Friday, October 22, 2010


This years' season of mists and mellow fruitfulness has been delightful. The colours so rich and warm. It has always puzzled me that some don't like this time of year. It can be cold and windy ... but the scenery makes up for so much.

The first verse of Keats poem to Autumn, which my husband loves and often quotes at this time of year:

Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness,
Close bosom-friend of the maturing sun;
Conspiring with him how to load and bless
With fruit the vines that round the thatch-eves run;
To bend with apples the moss'd cottage-trees,
And fill all fruit with ripeness to the core;
To swell the gourd, and plump the hazel shells
With a sweet kernel; to set budding more,
And still more, later flowers for the bees,
Until they think warm days will never cease,
For summer has o'er-brimm'd their clammy cells.

The tranquility of Dryburgh Abbey managed to reach deeply into my heart - refreshing those neglected corners. It's easy to understand why the monks of old, saints from earlier centuries, chose this place for contemplation and prayer. Though the ravages of the reformation and conflict have left ruins, the timelessness marks of the Creator remain. In our very busy lives - some might say too busy lives it is good to take time aside for restoration. Here is a place to which I will return.

Even Wizzy was delighted with her outing - we were furnished with a special biodegradable doggie bag!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Cloud of Witnesses

As we journey through the world, we meet many who accompany us, guide us, keep us, feed us and many things besides. Each leave a lasting impression.

One of the great ancients who inspires me is St Cuthbert. My first encounter with this amazing saint was while on placement during my college days. My placement was to a set of parishes in North Somerset. There, I met a gentle priest who was quite at a loss as to what to do with an 'Independent Student' from Theological College. He set me to visiting, taking part in the service of others and reordering his library. Yet, as I was not yet an Ordinand, he wasn't sure whether or not to allow me into the pulpit.
Today is the date on which St Cuthbert died and is now remembered and celebrated, and also the anniversary of a penny dropping for that great priest. Unsure what was expected, on that day, he told me he knew he was to set me the task of preaching and also to introduced me to St C!

A month ago M Mary Jean ssc passed away. This amazing woman had given her whole life to prayer and community life. She, too, a gentle guide to many who crossed the threshold at Tymawr. Her many gifts were used with humility and love. Her faith was a witness to all who met her. She loved to read and listen to the words of the many who have written through the ages, giving insights to today's faithful. Today she is numbered with the saints, named and unnamed, who are the cloud of witnesses.

Lindisfarne Priory photo is taken from the sight below.
If you want to find out more about St Cuthbert go to:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St Patrick's Day

This is for all those who have Irish blood, which according to our son, currently in the US, seem to be many ... hope you've had a great day!

Sorry I don't have picture of a shamrock, but hope this one will suffice.

BTW ... not quite sure quite what this plate clip was for ... let me know if you do.

Curtain Workshop

This afternoon six of us gathered together to get the curtains finished for the Upper Room at St Mary's on the Harbour aka 'SMOTH'. Each of us approached the task differently, so we all know more than when we started. This workshop followed the work of the painting party who redecorated the Upper Room - new curtains will add to the renewed brightness. They will be hung on Friday.

All this activity is in preparation for the Big Quiz this weekend. I'm told that over 100 people have signed up and formed teams for shepherds pie and questions. There is a cup to be won by the winning team.

Thank you for all involved, today.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Well ... They grow up!

From a tiny boy he's loved life, and had great fun along the way. When he was little I wondered why I could never get his socks clean. Today he tells me he used to fill his wellies with soil to make him taller! He also always wanted to be a doctor.

Now in the middle of medical Finals ...
This post is for him ... tomorrow it is a practical

Thinking of you

Bad Head Day!

Today has certainly been one I would have liked to have done without. Terrible head ache ... and you should see the hair!

On the bright side, it's given me a great opportunity to think and to pray. There are many people, and situations which I know are in the need of prayer, for all kinds of reasons. Where would the world be without prayer?

Am also still trying to rectify the problem with my former blog. Anyone any thoughts?

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Here's Hoping

Seems that my former blog is not accessible at the moment - strange pop-ups intrude - so I'm starting afresh and hoping. Welcome to this new adventure, on this very fine spring day.

One of the central characteristics of Christian faith is Hope. As we journey again through Lent towards the cross it is with the knowledge that whatever difficulties we face we are never alone. Our companion has journeyed this way before, as have so many pilgrims though the centuries.

Today in St Mary's on the Harbour 'SMOTH' we celebrated Mothering Sunday with many families. A new experimental liturgy, especially written for children, was being tested, with the approval of the Archbishops. It included questions and responses during the Eucharistic Prayer which both enlivened and engaged everyone present.

Mothers, as well as other females in the congregation, were given a little posy of daffodils in celebration. Mine one had three stems which seemed to celebrate each of our three sons. Today is also a day to remember my own mother, a faithful lady, who would have been 84 today, even now ten years after her passing I miss her.